{thank you twin cities design scene!}

We always write our blogs with the intention that our readers will find them informative, useful and interesting. The experts at Hirshfield’s are always willing to share their knowledge, and we hope you are able to take our tips and apply them to your own homes.

So we were flattered to see that Twin Cities Design Scene (@tcdesignscene on Twitter) paid us one of the highest forms of compliments by linking back to one of our latest posts, Where Does Color Start and Stop in Large Rooms. Check out the post here.

We’re so happy that the people at Twin Cities Design Scene found our post useful, and we hope you did too!

{color matching}

We all have a favorite color, that shade of green or blue or purple that just makes us feel good. But if you’re looking for Tiffany blue or Coca-Cola red for your next project, sometimes there just isn’t that perfect match in the countless options of paint chips available at the paint store.

That’s where color matching comes in handy. Experts can now take just about any item – a piece of jewelry, a blouse, even a pillow or door and copy it in paint. Consider it couture color at no extra cost.

Computers are used to match a color and put the precise amount of colorant in a base to create your perfect can of paint. Kevin at Hirshfield’s Paint Manufacturing says you don’t need to have a large sample of the color you want to copy for the process to work. As long as the computer has a sample the size of a quarter, it can recreate your color.

Computers can have a tough time with a sample that has a rough or textured surface, like a tapestry or pillow. Kevin says that’s when color matching needs to go a little more low-tech.

That process still starts with the computer to get close to the color you’re looking for. Then, it’s up to the employee to decide which colorants to add and how much. This is where Hirshfield’s expertise comes in.

Kevin walked me through the process: first a sample of the paint is brushed out and dried to compare to the sample being matched. This process can be repeated several times until the correct color is created and you’re happy with the match. Ron at the Roseville Hirshfield’s says the “hand to eye” tweaking can be done while you wait but does take some time. It may be best to leave the sample at your neighborhood Hirshfield’s and let the experts work on it to create the best match possible. Then it can go home with you to start your next project.