{friday finds: faux bois}

I started looking into faux bois after I ran across this very cool bedside table makeover. It’s been on my mind ever since I saw the post, so I thought I best share. This faux bois table is from Pure Style Home, click here to read the entire post.

Faux Bois is french for “fake wood,” as it looks like wood but it’s not.  Replicating the faux bois look appears to be easy, fun and fairly inexpensive.

These photos are showing a painted base, then one or two (I can’t remember what the Old Masters rep said, I’ll find out) layers of stain that has dried.  Also, shown is the graining tool.  Apply the wiping stain and gently rock the graining tool back and forth as you pull it across the surface. The third photo shows two different wood grains. Can you see the right side has more knots than the left side of the sample? The rep very gently dried brushed the finished product to blur the sharp edges.

With practice, and help from knowledgeable co-workers,  I think this is a look I can achieve and be happy with the outcome. Hirshfield’s has the paint experts, graining tools, paint, stain and white cardboard stock to practice on before the real deal.

What do you think of the look? Interesting or not really?

Here is a site dedicated to all that is faux bois: http://itsknotwood.blogspot.com/ Also, the April issue of House Beautiful has eight different articles on the “new look of wood.”

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